Pete's Walks - Maidensgrove, Nuffield, Shepherd's Green (page 3 of 6)

If you are considering walking this route yourself, please see my disclaimer. You may also like to see these notes about the maps and GPX files.

Google map of the walk

I turned left along the bridleway, which I would be following for over a mile to a place marked Howberrywood on the OS map. It ran in a more or less straight line, roughly southeastwards. It initially ran through a wood called Heycroft Shaw, continuing between hedges and fences. After about half a mile I came to a six-way junction of three bridleways and three footpaths, where I went straight on, the bridleway now following a track. At first there were tall hedges either side, then a low hedge on the left and a tree belt to my right. About half a mile from the path junction the track turned right for a short distance, then turned left to pass the farm at Howberrywood and continue down its drive.

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The bridleway to Howberrywood, after I turned left near Nuffield

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The bridleway to Howberrywood

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The bridleway to Howberrywood

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The bridleway to Howberrywood

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The bridleway to Howberrywood

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The bridleway to Howberrywood

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The bridleway to Howberrywood

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The drive from the farm at Howberrywood

At a junction of tracks or drives I went straight on, then after a few yards turned left along a path into Nott Wood. This followed a track for a short way, then forked right and descended gradually through the wood into the bottom of a valley. The path left the wood at a stile, turning left and following a fence along the left edge of a field - there was a nice view to the right here, along the valley. The path then passed through a small wood, then ran between fences with paddocks to my left. It then ran through a bit more woodland, crossing a drive at one point. On reaching a path crossroads I turned left, soon reaching the road through Highmoor.

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The start of the path through Nott Wood

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The path through Nott Wood, where it goes right from the track

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The path through Nott Wood

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The path through Nott Wood

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The path continuing from Nott Wood towards Highmoor

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View right from the field after Nott Wood

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The path continuing from Nott Wood towards Highmoor

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The path continuing from Nott Wood towards Highmoor

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The path continuing from Nott Wood towards Highmoor

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The path to Highmoor, after I turned left at a path crossroads