Pete's Walks - Circular walk from Ewelme (page 3 of 5)

A short distance down the hedge-lined track, a path went uphill on the right - this is the start of the small shortcut I've marked as Alternative 2 on the Google map (I've not walked it myself, but it simply follows a fence uphill). I carried on down the lane, which was soon running along the northern edge of a wood. At a junction where the track became a surfaced lane, I turned right and followed a public byway uphill through the wood (the map marks this as Oakingham Bottom, presumably that's the valley that was to my left).

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English Lane

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I didn't go this way, but this is the route of the shortcut I've marked as Alternative 1 on my Google map (from where it starts on English Lane)

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English Lane

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English Lane

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Approaching the end of English Lane in Oakingham Bottom

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The public byway going west at Oakingham Bottom

Beyond the wood the byway continued between hedges that largely obliterated any views there might have been. After a while, I passed a path going right - this was the other end of that Alternative 1 that I mentioned (it would save about three quarters of a mile of walking, not really missing out anything too interesting).

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The public byway heading west from Oakingham Bottom

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The public byway continuing west towards Oakingham House

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This is the other end of Alternative 1, from the byway heading towards Oakingham House

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The public byway continuing west towards Oakingham House

Further on the byway passed the imposing  (but actually modern!) Oakingham House on my left, and joined its drive, continuing north-westwards. A little further on the drive became a lane (I could only tell this difference from the map), running onwards between stout hedges with occasional mature trees. At a crossroads, I went straight on along another lane (unnamed on the map, but heading towards Upper House Farm).

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The drive from Oakingham House

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The lane from Oakingham House

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The lane from Oakingham House

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The lane heading to Upper House Farm

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The lane heading to Upper House Farm