Pete's Walks - Old Amersham and Beaconsfield (page 3 of 4)

I followed the path into the wood, soon leaving the garden fences behind. At a path junction I turned right, now heading south roughly following the boundary between Netherlands Wood and Brown's Wood. On reaching garden fences once more, I went on ahead for a few yards before taking a path going left. I was soon in a pleasant area of beech wood (where the path on the ground seemed to stay a little left of the white arrows on the trees). On leaving Brown's Wood, the path followed a hedge on the left past a green corn field (I spotted my first Small Tortoiseshell butterfly of 2012 here). In the field corner I went a few yards left then turned right along the drive from a large house called The Grange. By the lodge at the end (or start) of the drive I went through a gate to reach the A335 (the main road south from Amersham to Beaconsfield).

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The path going south from Netherlands Wood to Brown's Wood

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The path going east through Brown's Wood

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The path from Brown's Wood continuing eastwards

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The drive from The Grange leading to the A355

Safely across the road, a path led on between fences through a wood called Birchen Spring. I continued across an empty paddock or meadow, then following the path gently downhill through Blue Close Wood (where I spotted my first Wood Sorrel of the year).  At the bottom of a small valley I turned left along a bridleway, which immediately left Blue Close Wood and ran between a hedge and a fence (I spotted a Jay a couple of times here) to reach Bottom Wood.

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The path through Birchen Spring

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The path between Birchen Spring and Blue Close Wood

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The path in Blue Close Wood

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The bridleway from Blue Close Wood to Bottom Wood

The bridleway continued through Bottom Wood, and then at a junction I turned right on another bridleway that headed uphill and out of the wood, continuing between hedgerows for about a quarter of a mile to reach Bottom Lane. Here I turned left and followed the lane to a sharp right bend, where I went straight on into the extensive Hodgemoor Woods (where I soon saw some more Wood Sorrel).

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The bridleway going east to leave Bottom Wood

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The Bridleway going east from Bottom Wood to Bottom Lane

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The Bridleway going east from Bottom Wood to Bottom Lane

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Entering Hodgemoor Woods from Bottom Lane

The path almost immediately forked slightly right from a track going on ahead, then at a path junction I turned right. After having my lunch sat on a convenient log, I continued south-eastwards along this path until I reached another bend in Bottom Lane. Here the path continued round two sides of a paddock and passed through a stable yard, continuing north-eastwards just inside another part of Hodgemoor Woods. Here I was lucky enough to see and photograph an Orange Underwing moth, only the second one I've identified (the first was on the edge of Hangar Wood near Fingest).

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The path through Hodgemoor Woods, approaching the lane again

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The path going northeast just inside the edge of Hodgemoor Woods

Orange Underwing moth, Hodgemoor Woods