Pete's Walks- Bledlow and Radnage (page 2 of 4)

I turned right along the road (there was a walkable verge on the far side). The two previous times I've done this walk, I've taken a footpath on the left that starts where the road bends sharply right. Today I wanted to try a different path I'd never walked before, so I continued down the road for maybe another 50 yards or more. I couldn't see a bridleway sign until I reached an opening where a drive entered the wood on my left - a yard or two inside the wood a sign showed where the bridleway went into the wood. I followed it through the trees for quite a distance, soon dropping gently downhill. Further on I passed several clumps of Nettle-leaved Bellflowers, the first time I'd seen it this year. Eventually the bridleway ended at a junction with another bridleway in a valley bottom, where I turned left.

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The bridleway going south through Sunley Wood

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The bridleway going south through Sunley Wood

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The bridleway going south through Sunley Wood

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The bridleway going south now probably in Hedgerley Wood

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Approaching the bridleway junction at the corner of Hedgerley Wood

I followed the hedge or tree-lined bridleway for some distance, occasionally passing openings with views over the pleasant countryside either side. I passed a path junction where the path I usually use came in on the left. Further on the bridleway joined the surfaced drive from Daws Farm (I saw a Southern Hawker dragonfly here), which took me to a bend in a lane in the part of Radnage called Town End.

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The bridleway going southwest towards Radnage (Town End)

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View from the bridleway

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The bridleway going southwest towards Radnage (Town End)

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The bridleway going southwest towards Radnage (Town End)

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The bridleway going southwest towards Radnage (Town End)

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The same bridleway, now following the drive from Daws Farm

I followed the lane ahead for a short distance, before turning left on to a path that was part of the Chiltern Way. This ran through a meadow, then crossed another lane to reach the entrance to Radnage Church. I walked through the churchyard and took a path on the other side, which crossed two meadows then bore half-left in a third and started to rise uphill.

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Approaching Radnage Church

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Radnage Church

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The path from Radnage Church to Bledlow Ridge

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The path from Radnage Church to Bledlow Ridge