Pete's Walks- Little Missenden, Hodgemoor Woods, Misbourne Valley (page 3 of 6)

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Google map of the walk

I crossed this second street and continued straight on along another path, starting through a pub car park and passing left of the pub. It continued for a while between old hedgerows until it emerged in a field, where it carried on beside the hedge on my right. It turned right and shortly after turned left in a corner. I'd been following the route of the Chiltern Way since leaving Penn Street but now left it (and also left the route I followed last May) when I turned right onto a crossing path, which followed a broad grassy headland between two arable fields. On the far side of these fields I went straight on (previously I have always used a path going right here) across a ploughed field - a tractor was now 'harrowing' it, but the path was clearly marked by tractor tracks. The path then continued beside a tall hedge on the right (the garden fence of the very attractive Bowers Farm), through a pasture or paddock where four Alpacas stared at me curiously.

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The path from Coleshill

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The path from Coleshill (it turns to the right and then turns left to continue this side of the hedgerow going across the photo)

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The path after I turned right, heading towards Bowers Farm

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The path approaching Bowers Farm (just out of shot on the right)

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The path continuing past Bowers Farm

Across a minor road a path continued a short way between garden fences to reach a field, where it went a few yards right to a corner where it turned left along another side of the field. On reaching the far side of the field I turned right onto a bridleway running along a track. I immediately passed Ongar Hill Farm, then the bridleway went through a gap in the wooden railings on the left and across a small area of rough grass. On the far side of this I turned left onto another bridleway following a farm track southwards (I was now back on familiar territory). This soon turned slightly right behind  a hedgerow, then dropped downhill into a valley. After passing through a narrow bit of wood in the valley bottom, where I crossed another bridleway, the bridleway continued gently up the other side of the valley, running between a fence and a hedge.

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The start of the path on the other side of the road near Bowers Farm

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The path continuing towards Ongar Hill Farm

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The bridleway past Ongar Hill Farm

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The bridleway going south from Ongar Hill Farm

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The bridleway going south from Ongar Hill Farm

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The bridleway going south from Ongar Hill Farm, where it crosses another bridleway in some woods

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The bridleway continuing towards Wood Cottage

At the top of the slope I reached a drive, coming from Wood Cottage a few yards to my right. I turned left, and followed the drive for almost half a mile, until it brought me to a main road (going south from Amersham to Beaconsfield). On the other side I carried on down a bridleway along a track. This was soon passing through Bottom Wood. There was a short but steep and muddy section to get out of the wood, then the bridleway continued between hedges for a quarter of a mile or so to reach Bottom Lane, near the village of Seer Green.

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The drive after I turned left at Wood Cottage

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The drive after I turned left at Wood Cottage

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The bridleway on the other side of the main road (Amersham Road)

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The bridleway continuing towards Bottom Wood

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The bridleway continuing through Bottom Wood

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The bridleway continuing from Bottom Wood to Bottom Lane

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The bridleway continuing from Bottom Wood to Bottom Lane